Roberta aka Lady Roo, Italian Dancehall Dancer. Born in southern Italy, 22 years ago, in a town of about 27,000 people called Terlizzi near Bari, Puglia region. Born and still living there!
1) How long have you been dancing, and how did you started?
2) When did you fall in love with Dancehall music?
I've always loved Dancehall music and have been dancing for about three years now. At Rotodam Sunsplash in 2009 I had the oppoutunity to take classes taught by an Italian dancer for two hours each day, followed by a final perfomance by Jamaican dancer "SickInHead" & Swedish Dancer Nina Malosky aka Chikinita. This experience sparked my true love & interest in becoming a dancer. As soon as I got back home I began to teach myself with videos and any other training materials I could find. Unfortunately there are no clases available in my hometown so I had to travel all over italy for Dancehall classes and lessons. I've always taken dance classes as a child, but there is just something about Dancehall music & dancing that lets me be myself! It's also something that I cant get enough of, once you start to just wanna keep learning and experiencing more!
My first public perfomance was July 22nd 2010, participating in a project called “Il Fatto Reggae”, created and organized by an Mc & Selecta from my area, where from this mini tour, every weekend we were out pushing the Dancehall culture, and showing the people the new dances etc... Since then I've been featured in newspapers and also started promoting my own show and dancehall night in my area, and slowly to other Italian cities. I was recently in Alozade's upcoming video "Man A Gallis" that was filmed in Rome. I've also competed in the 2010 & 2011 Italian DHQ contest.
3) What are some shows / competitions / artists / dancers have worked? What are some you'd like to work?
I've worked with Italian Dancer "Alevanille" someone who I respect tremendously. She has supported and helped me with my Dancehall Dancer creeer from the beginning. I've also danced for Elephant Man, Ward 21, & Alozade at their concerts here in Italy.
I would love to work with Artists such as Tifa, Lady Saw, Ce'Cile, Beenie Man, Baby Cham, & Busy Signal, either on stage or dancing in their videos.
I would also love to work other dancers such as Latonya First Class, Latesha, Amzone , Mad English, Cam'ron, Blazin Crew, Shisha, and Cookie Jah!
4) Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years?
Would love to visit & spend some time in Jamaica, since I've never been. Not sure what the future holds for me tho, I'll just keep my feet on the ground and continue looking for new oppourtunities to grow as an Artist!
5) Can you tell us little about the Dancehall / Reggae scene in Italy?
Heavy Hammer is a Big sound from Italy that represents the Italian Dancehall scene on the world stage. The dancer scene is also seeing a big boom, due to hard work put in by Veteran Dancers like Alevanille & Mad Mike etc... Not to metnion the DHQ contest. The future looks bright!!!
6) Many in the community Dancehall Dancehall complain that it is dying or getting "too hip hop". What is your opinion on the current state of the Dancehall?
Dancehall & HipHop definitly have their simailarities but, in my humble opinion they should'nt be blended together too much. Dancehall has it's own distinct feel & identity.
7) What would you like people to know about the life of Dancer / DHQ?
The sacrifice, commitment, perseverance and determination that you must have to study and grow in this art, some people do not have the slightest idea of the work behind the success of a single step, especially when you're self-taught, and in dancehall it's a continuous evolution, One must always keep updated on the latest moves!
8) How would you describe yourself?
I have a lot of energy and desire for what I do! I'm like a fuse, just waiting to explode!
Fun Questions
1) 3 favorite artists right now?
Busy signal, Konshens & Aidonia.
2) Favorite Soundsytems?
DJ Hydro4 T.U.R.F. Soundsystem(Canadian Sound),
click here for 20 min of Jugglin' by DJ Hydro 4 T.U.R.F. Soundsystem
click here for 20 min of Jugglin' by DJ Hydro 4 T.U.R.F. Soundsystem
Heavy Hammer (Italian Sound)
3) Have you ever heard of any dancers from the Canadian Dancehall scene?
Yes, I have seen videos on the DHQ Momo, I like her so much she's a great dancer!

click here for 20 min of Jugglin' by DJ Hydro 4 T.U.R.F. Soundsystem
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